4 Promotional Products for the Upcoming School Year

  • Jul 31, 2017

Now that we're almost all the way through July, families and faculty are starting to gear up for the upcoming school year. In lieu of this, we at ID Line have put together a list of promotional products perfect for your clients in the education industry!

Blackboard Badges

Blackboard BadgesHow appropriate for the education industry, right?! Whether for the kids or the teachers, blackboard badges are a perfect way to bounce off the most commonly used item in the classroom! Use blackboard badges for the kids during the first few weeks of school to learn each others' names. Once everyone is acquainted, simply wipe off the name and use them again! Have frequent guest visitors? Instead of a stick on visitor badge, use a blackboard badge! More eye catching and less wasteful, simply wipe off the name and reuse the badge instead of throwing away metric tons of paper (ok maybe not THAT much, but still a lot).

Bookmarks & Rulers

Bookmarks & Rulers-01Maybe not quite as relevant in some grades, what with the increasing use of technology, bookmarks are still needed among grade schoolers who read lots of books! Put a creative design on it to make kids excited to use them. If you're feeling even more creative,
personalize each ruler to specific teachers in elementary schools. Include their photo, name, contact info, etc. for parents to be able to get ahold of their children's teacher. Run 50 per teacher school wide and have kids everywhere excited to dive into their next book! Another essential tool in school, a ruler with a creative message and your school's logo is bound to make more of an impression than a plain wooden ruler.

Parking PermitsParking Permits-01

These may be for some of the older kids, but parking permits with holographic images are great for those students and faculty who drive to school! Throw the school's logo on there and number them in order and there you have it! Parking permits and school spirit for everyone.


Re-Stick-Its-01Who doesn't love putting stickers on things? Show your spirit for your school's sports team, support a cause, or just give students a way to be proud of their school! Re-Stick-Its are perfect for all sorts of applications, and being repositionable gives even more reason to put them on stuff! From small heart shaped stickers all the way up to massive calendar stickers, we've got 'em all!

Make back to school fun with these awesome, full color, Made in the USA promotional products!